Oregon Land for Sale by Wolf NW Properties Inc

 Wolf NW Properties Inc.

Specializing in Oregon Land, Farms, Ranches, and Rural Residential Property since 1984

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Stanfield, Oregon Land- 4.79 Acres near I-84 Exit #188  *Sale Pending*

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4.79 Acres Zoned Tourist Commercial at Stanfield Avenue and Hwy 395
Stanfield, Oregon  97875
This site has great potential for an ideal hotel/motel site now that all the utilities are available.

Oregon Land for Sale:
4.79 +/- Acres
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Eugene B. Wolf, Oregon Principal Broker
Wolf NW Properties, Inc.
503-682-1789 (office) or 503-704-5262 (cell) or gene@wolfnw.com
Information Contained herein from sources deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Updated 05/18/15